User Experience Design Fundamentals

SocialMedia TutsMax 1
آخرین به روز رسانی 1399-08-30
0 قبلا ثبت نام کرده اید

پیش نیازهای دوره

درباره این دوره

Even if you’re a complete beginner, this course will show you how to make a website functional, attractive and successful. It will walk you through all of the steps required to enhance the User Experience on any site, right down to the code, content, and design.

You’ll begin by defining who your website users are and what they expect from the website. You’ll also learn how business goals — yours or your client’s — have to be uncovered and addressed for site success.

You’ll also get hands-on experience designing and coding three different types of sites. This will give you the confidence to pursue similar projects if you’re already a website designer, if you want to get into web design, or if you want to enhance your current business site.

برچسب ها

اهداف یادگیری

This course will help you stand out as a web designer, teaching you how to apply User Experience (UX) strategies that will make every site you build useful, usable, and valuable.
Improve Your Website with UX Strategies
Apply UX strategies to a site's content & design
Understand Information Architecture to enhance the content on your website
Know what dictates how your website should look
Design and code a B2B website, a B2C blog, and an e-commerce site

شامل متریال

  • Tutorial Booklets
  • Instruction Videos


  • Adobe Photoshop Free Trial version
  • Axure RP Free Trial version
  • In order to install and configure WordPress for the last two sections, you will need a hosting plan, either paid or free (Google "free WordPress hosting" for options)

مخاطب هدف

  • New or established business owners who want to gain more from their online presence
  • Beginners who want to learn UX, web design and/or development
  • Website designers who want to enhance their skills
  • Print designers who want to move into web design

برنامه آموزشی

1 درس ها23ساعت 15دقیقه

Visual UI Design

How to know that you have understand

Navigation and layout

Requirements and specs

Big Goals

مدرسین شما


مدیر وب سایت

101 دوره ها
18 دیدگاه ها
232 دانشجویان
مشاهده بیشتر
زمینه‌های نمایش داده شده را انتخاب نمایید. بقیه مخفی خواهند شد. برای تنظیم مجدد ترتیب، بکشید و رها کنید.
  • تصویر
  • شناسۀ محصول
  • امتیاز
  • قيمت
  • موجودی
  • دسترسی
  • افزودن به سبد خرید
  • توضیح
  • محتوا
  • وزن
  • اندازه
  • اطلاعات اضافی
برای مخفی‌کردن نوار مقایسه، بیرون را کلیک نمایید